Light Beyond Light

From the heart of Grace M. Smith…

Every night when the skies are clear, I gaze out the bay window.
A bright planet blazes amidst a myriad of stars scattered across the night sky.
And I pause, in awe and wonderment.
Do we really live here? In “SPACE!”
Traveling at 1,150 miles per second. It’s truly magical.
When I forget what an amazing place we live in,
I stop whatever I am doing, get present
and look to the miracle that I am surrounded with in every moment.
The light shimmering through the leaves of a tall tree.
A flower petal glistening in the sun.
Who Am I? My eyelashes catch the light too and dance with tiny rainbows.
Who are we? Beauty is all around and it’s in us too.
We’re made of “Amazing,” “miraculous” and indescribable wonders.
The irony of it is, we still sit at our computers, watch our TVs,
and miss the magic in each other’s hearts all too often.
Children’s eyes can be full of such light.
Adults are often drawn to children and animals.
When we remember our true capacity, and open our hearts once more,
our eyes, yes us big people, fill with more light too.

Will we be open to the light this week?


A co-worker brought in an old movie from home that she’d thought I’d enjoy. For two weeks, it sat on my coffee table. While interested, it just wasn’t a priority for me. And as more days passed, I began to feel a sense of urgency to watch it – to ...

Dr. Kevorkian

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We transported my daughter's horse 1600 miles.  When we walked into the boarding stable, relaxing music was playing as well as messages on the tack board, stall assignment, feed schedule that spoke to sharing and being loving kindness. Does it take a reminder to be aware of the grace and ...

Who Has the Power?

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