Time as a Concept


“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
— H. Jackson Brown Jr.

What is it we can do today that when looked upon tomorrow, we will be very glad we spent that time?

Wild Thing

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.” — D.H. Lawrence How is it that so much of our lives are tied up in the knots created by the story we tell about our misery? When will we see that there is always a choice?   ...

Small Children

Small children who are born into loving, consistent, compassionate homes, tend to exude curiosity, loving-kindness, understanding and courage. Perhaps the issue of violence in our society has never been the weapons, rather it is about the misguided nature of our priorities? ...

Colonization of the Moon

Grace shared a video about some folks’ ideas regarding ways to colonize the Moon. Why would we dare to think about colonizing another place until we have created the planet Earth as a planet that works for everyone? Perhaps that’s a thought that might have been useful in the past ...


The world is full of good ideas. Have you ever noticed how differently people react when you share your experience? ...

Toilet Paper

If you ask most people they will tell you that it is simply a matter of personal choice whether the paper comes over the top of the roll or under it. If you ask a person who is differently able (phrase credit Mike Noyes), they will tell you it should ...


Happiness and satisfaction never arise because of the behavior of others. They are places to come from, not to be found ...


Not telling someone what you really think about an issue is the same as not giving them your best. Why is it we sometimes are so afraid to speak? ...

This Second

This second can be the beginning of an entirely new way of being. Are you willing to commit to it now and now and now and now and now? ...


"We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path." — Paulo Coelho ...

Toilets and Gratitude

One third of the world’s population does not have access to a toilet. That’s 2.3 Billion people. The leading cause of death in children is diarrhea. Are you grateful enough for your circumstances in this moment to want to assist in changing this situation? ...