What Will You Do, 364 Days a Year?

What would Jesus do?

What would Allah do?

What would the Buddha do?

What would God do?

Whatever your religion, faith or belief, I would ask you to ask yourself what your spiritual leader or those you deeply admire would do?

In any circumstance or on any particular day, how would they act?

Every entity, at the core of a religious tradition, says that we are made in their image or with the capacities, they possess.

Are the holidays really about giving gifts and menorahs and wreaths?

Or, are they really about the children and how we treat each other?

What would happen if we acted as if every day was a day to celebrate and act out of our religious convictions, beliefs and experiences?

What would it be like if the “holidays” were every day, 365 days a year?

Think for a moment about the way we treat people.

Are we treating them the way we want our children to be treated?

Do we treat people as if they were on the same path, perhaps wearing different shoes?

We invite you to make yourselves a magical holiday season!

And may your “season” be at least 365 days in length!

With our love and blessings!
