Connecting in the Center

The Newsletter of the Boothby Institute

A monthly publication designed to highlight issues of significance, program news and opportunities, as well as the writings of others related to creating a world that works for everyone.

Imagine a Mirror

For a moment, I’d like to ask you to image that this page is a mirror. Perhaps, better yet, finish reading what is written here and go find a mirror and decide how you intend to be from this point forward. Since the election in The United States last fall, ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 7: Ground of Being

You are being held in a ground of being of loving-kindness and the power that resides within you as you read these words: you are loved and capable of taking charge of your life at every moment. Before anything is communicated to anyone in any environment, the audience, the individuals ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 6: Creating Patterns of Consciousness with Language, Attitude and Discipline

Everything we do to increase our consciousness contributes to our equanimity, ability to produce results and contribute to others. Listen carefully to the words you select. If a student says, “I’ll try to have an assignment in by Friday,” they are acknowledging that they really don’t plan to have the ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 5: Good Discipline, Bad Habits

“We must be the change we wish to see.” Mahatma Gandhi There is one thing more important than anything else in maintaining a sense of what is important in the world, being awake, present and coming from a place of loving-kindness: self-care, the process of tending to our own well-being ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 4: Discipline & Training

Power, Control and Choice Almost everything I learned about power and control growing up turns out to be distorted or in many cases purely inaccurate. And the search for understanding around these issues remains primarily intellectual as opposed to experiential in nature. Any understanding of power, control and choice must ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 3: Capacity

What I discovered in that maximum security prison in Somers, Connecticut was that the capacity for all things resides within each person. The indomitable will of a Nelson Mandela and the perseverance of Christopher and Dana Reeves are within you. The grace and dignity of a Mother Theresa is within ...

What Every Person Can Do Part 2: Attitude and Circumstances

Rain in and of itself, or any kind of weather for that matter, does not produce a particular reaction in human beings. And when it rains or snows, some people act as if they are done for the day. It is not possible in these conditions to produce a spectacular ...

What Every Person Can Do Part I

“What One Person Can Do” is first and foremost it is a process about two things: knowing that you are loved absolutely and unconditionally and that in every second, every situation, without exception, there is always a choice. No matter how it may seem, there is always a choice. Following ...

All Or Nothing At All

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - Aristotle So what is ...

Inspired Teaching, Reality vs. Possibility

The Boothby Institute and a group of Maine teachers entered into an experiment which has the potential to alter the effectiveness of education at a global level. It was our supposition that a group of teachers who chose to come together to explore what it takes to be an inspired ...