Tag Archives: joy

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Us as Road Kill

Today, I saw a newly killed squirrel lying in the road. I imagined the running, gathering, seeming happy existence of squirrels. I wonder if we have overemphasized and fear death far too much.

Could that be because we think about it far too much or refuse to realize we have no more control of when it might happen than squirrels?

Everybody Wins


There is no sensual pleasure in the world comparable to the delight and
satisfaction that a good man takes in doing good.
– Tillotson


Nothing anyone does ostensibly for the benefit of others has anywhere near the effect on those people as it does on us.






A co-worker brought in an old movie from home that she’d thought I’d enjoy. For two weeks, it sat on my coffee table. While interested, it just wasn’t a priority for me. And as more days passed, I began to feel a sense of urgency to watch it – to get the movie back to her and because I knew she was waiting to hear my review. So I watched it, even if reluctantly, and while I enjoyed the movie, the highlight was the smile on her face as we talked about our favorite parts.

What if I made a greater effort to make things that weren’t a priority for me a priority simply because of the joy I knew it might bring to the other person?