Tag Archives: purpose

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Arrogance in Church

Churches have failed to produce a “world that works for everyone”
because they spend so much energy attempting to
demonstrate the correctness of their position.

What difference does the path make as long as the destination is the same?

Institutional Focus

The last three days have been spent in federal/state briefings for a project we are about to begin in six Maine schools. It is astounding to me how quickly focus on detail has the potential to distract from the context of an event or project.

Isn’t it amazing how everything can change in the instant we remember that what we are about is looking to be of use in the lives of others?

Giving It What You’ve Got

It may be that time in my life where I don’t feel the need to work most of the time.

I wonder whether that means I have accepted the fact that we have not yet been successful in ending damage and violence?