
(A seemingly confusing and difficult problem or question.)

There are actually two conditions in the world existing in a parallel way. One is miraculous, the other disastrous.

  • It is miraculous to be alive, breathing in and out, seeing and experiencing the wonders of life.

People don’t anymore believe that war is inevitable;
they just don’t see how to end it.

We don’t drain people of blood to cure them as we
have in the past.

We are curing diseases, though not at a rapid pace.

Generally, people believe everyone deserves an

  • Simultaneously, there are those who are:

– starving, dealing with persistent hunger.

– victims of war, especially children.

– there are people enslaved, used against their will for
sex or servitude.

– women are brutalized and scarred for life in sexist
rituals experiencin pain and death.

It is the existence of these parallel conditions and the lies we tell about them that defines the condition of the world at this moment.

I have never read the biography of a highly successful person that says, “I screwed the world, killed people, stepped over others, watched some suffer and die, had a great time and wonderful life.”

The advancement of technology in every area from telephones to television, radio and social media allows us to know when things are going wrong. And we do seem much more interested in what is not working than what is.

We are terrible at lying about the actual conditions.

Let’s look at a few of those huge misrepresentations (lies) and misunderstandings from the past and the present.

America has been called for many years, The New World. Someplace in grade school we had a text by that name.

This is not the New World. It has been occupied by Native Americans for centuries. Because Native Americans were wise enough to know that ownership of the land was a foolish concept, we stole what was “theirs.”

We have changed the laws regarding segregation and there has been no wholesale healing. Some still act arrogantly and others refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Security is an illusion. No matter how sophisticated the system, if a person wants to do damage to people or things, they will find a way.

All damage comes from damage. People in touch with their innate value and worth don’t damage others.

Every time there is a school shooting in the United States, there is a cry from journalists, “how could this happen?”

It happens because some people are so damaged that they believe that shooting others and/or themselves will make an impact in their world. John Hinckley writes to Jodie Foster when she was at Yale, “When I shoot the President (Reagan), you’ll know who I am.”

Prisons are run by Departments of Correction. You cannot correct people into wellness. They are already “well.” They simply have no experience of it.

In the Sudan a religious war is being waged between those who claim to be Christian and Muslims. I wonder how many of the children who have died would think God/Allah was on their side?

In order for workability to arise on planet Earth, we must acknowledge the Ground of Being that is shared by all of us.

  • We must recognize that there are many ways to serve and reach God/Allah. No one way is the only way and anyone who claims that theirs is the only way wants to be right more than to serve God/Allah.
  • We must acknowledge that each of us is loving-kindness, wisdom and the ability to choose.
  • We must come to a place where all people are treated with dignity respect and loving-kindness.
  • We must stop speaking ill of any other person and learn to love them as people and disagree with their thoughts or ideas. (U.S. and U.K. politicians and public figures could lead the way.)
  • We must recognize that the planet is fragile and do no more harm to it intentionally.
  • We must find challenges that are worthy of us and pursue them vigorously.
  • Why is it so hard to see that allowing the third world to emerge from poverty would be in every person’s  enlightened self interest?
  • The purpose of school must be to create inspired environments where children come to know that they are love, value and can master the tools necessary to create meaningful, productive, contributory, joyous lives.
  • Adults and young people must take very seriously the responsibility for bringing children into the world and raising them so that they are love, wisdom and cared for in every way. How about no more unintended children?
  • We must come to see that loving-kindness is the pragmatic solution to every problem facing the planet today.
  • Enlightened capitalism recognizes the value and divinity of each person and makes opportunities to serve and grow available to all. It does not do things that intentionally harm others for any reason.

How about this biography?

In my lifetime, the world grew up and began to take responsibility for itself, one person at a time. We created inspired schools, ended wars, starvation and persistent hunger, cured all the major and most of the minor diseases and dramatically improved the environment. We made a great deal of money building energy efficient structures and had a wonderful, joyous time doing it.

(Your signature here.)

There is only one person standing in the way of that biography being yours. In order to achieve it, you will have to make it your choice.

In order to actually experience the core essence of what this outcome would feel like, please play the video at the following link. Notice the relationships in this family. Notice what your mind and heart do. See the space of what the audience really wants:

With all my love and every blessing!