A Message to Every Young Person

by Bill Cumming

It is our intention that every young person in the world sees this video or one like it. Wellness arises naturally when people experience that they are loved absolutely and that their value and worth are a given. If you agree, please forward the link to every young person you know and tell them why you are sending it to them.

Message to Every Young Person:


Maureen showed the “Message to Every Young Person” video to her Bigelow Pod at Mt Blue Middle School in Farmington, Maine. Following are the things they took away:

There is always someone who cares about you.
You control your own life.
Teachers really care about their students.
No one is better than anybody else.
Nobody cares where you come from.
People want you to do well in school.
Bullies have something in their own lives that make them unhappy.
Everyone wants to contribute and be something.
Take responsibility for your actions.
Give to the world. Donʼt just take.
Someone cares about you right now.
Bullying changes lives.
I can tell who bullies just by walking down the hall.
Think about your life choices.
We all have potential.
Life is magical.
Mean people donʼt like themselves.
Itʼs a choice to be a bully.
You matter.
Choose wisely.
You are loved by someone. You just might not know it.
Nobody is worthless.
We all have the ability to make a magical life.
Donʼt let people get in the way of your dreams.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Nobody is better than you.
Life is too short not to make the best of it everyday.
Only you can control what sort of day you will actually have.
Sometimes it is hard to speak the truth.
People do care how your life turns out.
Everybody deserves a good life.

Where will your magical life lead you to next?
(Maureen’s question to her students)

Notice that the student’s observations are ideas and principles. They are not yet experiences. In order for that to occur they must be internalized and owned. That only happens in the company of one who knows that your worth is a given and that you are loved.

MAUREEN OSWALD, Inspired Teaching

Maureen Oswald has been an inspired teacher throughout her career. The following video describes the characteristics of Inspired Teaching and how to access them. It is our goal for every teacher in the world to strive to be an inspired teacher. Please share this video with anyone you believe sees education as the second most important job in the world.

Inspired Teaching: