Tag Archives: anger

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“He said that if you are angry with your brother, you are already in hell. Anger is hell. You only need to kill in your mind and you are already there.

Our enemy is not the other person, no matter what he or she has done.

Educators, legislators, parents, journalists, filmmakers, economists, artists, poor people, rich people, all of us have to discuss the situation and see what we can do.

When you look deeply into your anger, you will see that the person you call your enemy is also suffering. As soon as you see that, the capacity of accepting and having compassion for him is there. The idea of “enemy” vanishes and is replaced by the notion of someone who is suffering and needs your compassion.

When we take sides, we misunderstand the will of God. We have to find the real causes for social injustice, and when we do, we will not condemn a certain type of people.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

There has been another school shooting in Colorado.
And again, a cry of disbelief arises from the media.

How could this happen?

Who is to blame?.

What will it take for every single person to realize that ALL of the damage is caused by EACH ONE OF US not seeing our responsibility in the matter?

Daily Exercise

“This exercise requires no movement, no thinking and most of all no judgement or evaluation” After you are awake and you realize you live in a miracle, everything is inter-connected and there is always a choice, do the following: Watch a creature, a bird, an ant, a dog, person or ...

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” It is my experience ...


As i began living my 74th year, years, months, hours and minutes have all become much less significant. As i focus on how i am being in this second, i find my clarity around how the world is doing sharpened considerably. How about you? ...


As in Who Gives a Crap! This is what corporate responsibility looks like: https://us.whogivesacrap.org/pages/about-us Recently i received notice that the company had donated another half a million dollars to create toilets for those 2.3 Billion who do not have one. Their products are outstanding and ecologically sound. Would you like ...


Yesterday, a relatively powerful storm interrupted electrical power to 219,000 households in Maine. Today, some were told that it may be three days until power is restored. Globally, 1.2 Billion people have little or no access to power at all. Perhaps we might want to think from time to time ...

Fall colors

There are a million differentiated colors on display in New England in the US at this time of year! And this has been a spectacular demonstration of the beauty in our world this year! In my experience it is nothing compared to the miracle of you! ...


Right this second you are participating in an absolute miracle. The question is, do you experience it? If you are able to see, a collection of between 10 and 50 trillion cells are organized so well that you can see, read and understand these words. Can you "see" (pun intended) ...


It doesn’t sound like much. Or does it. To me, each breath means I am still alive and that life itself is miraculous. What could be more practical or more magical than the experience that this second, this breath is a miracle? ...


Evil is a concept begun to allow us to act as if it were a force beyond our influence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The moment I realize every action I take is important, contributes either positively or negatively to the world, evil has no power. Whose responsibility ...

Ownership Does Not Equal Guilt

In the situations I have witnessed, there is no divine intervention. All we have is each other. We create our own problems, and it is up to us to solve them. Deliberately to remove oneself from this dialogue is a way of turning one’s back and confirms the sad proposition ...



When we are well, feeling good about ourselves and someone comes along and messes up something we are working on (or even our day), we sometimes act as if we are justified in our anger.


The only reason we become angry is because we have taken the behavior of another as if it were about us.


People do great things when they experience they are loved, their value and worth are a given and there is always a choice.


And if they feel badly about themselves, they are capable of great damage and harm to themselves and others.


What does it add to the situation if we take personally what others have done?


Daily Exercise

“This exercise requires no movement, no thinking and most of all no judgement or evaluation” After you are awake and you realize you live in a miracle, everything is inter-connected and there is always a choice, do the following: Watch a creature, a bird, an ant, a dog, person or ...

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” It is my experience ...


As i began living my 74th year, years, months, hours and minutes have all become much less significant. As i focus on how i am being in this second, i find my clarity around how the world is doing sharpened considerably. How about you? ...


As in Who Gives a Crap! This is what corporate responsibility looks like: https://us.whogivesacrap.org/pages/about-us Recently i received notice that the company had donated another half a million dollars to create toilets for those 2.3 Billion who do not have one. Their products are outstanding and ecologically sound. Would you like ...


Yesterday, a relatively powerful storm interrupted electrical power to 219,000 households in Maine. Today, some were told that it may be three days until power is restored. Globally, 1.2 Billion people have little or no access to power at all. Perhaps we might want to think from time to time ...

Fall colors

There are a million differentiated colors on display in New England in the US at this time of year! And this has been a spectacular demonstration of the beauty in our world this year! In my experience it is nothing compared to the miracle of you! ...


Right this second you are participating in an absolute miracle. The question is, do you experience it? If you are able to see, a collection of between 10 and 50 trillion cells are organized so well that you can see, read and understand these words. Can you "see" (pun intended) ...


It doesn’t sound like much. Or does it. To me, each breath means I am still alive and that life itself is miraculous. What could be more practical or more magical than the experience that this second, this breath is a miracle? ...


Evil is a concept begun to allow us to act as if it were a force beyond our influence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The moment I realize every action I take is important, contributes either positively or negatively to the world, evil has no power. Whose responsibility ...

Ownership Does Not Equal Guilt

In the situations I have witnessed, there is no divine intervention. All we have is each other. We create our own problems, and it is up to us to solve them. Deliberately to remove oneself from this dialogue is a way of turning one’s back and confirms the sad proposition ...


About forty years ago, I discovered that any anger I felt was absolutely about me.


How dare this condition exist in my life?


How dare that person do harm to me or mine?


If I am well in any moment, I realize nothing others do is about me, even when it impacts me tremendously.


In those moments, tranquility and equanimity are far more accessible.


Daily Exercise

“This exercise requires no movement, no thinking and most of all no judgement or evaluation” After you are awake and you realize you live in a miracle, everything is inter-connected and there is always a choice, do the following: Watch a creature, a bird, an ant, a dog, person or ...

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” It is my experience ...


As i began living my 74th year, years, months, hours and minutes have all become much less significant. As i focus on how i am being in this second, i find my clarity around how the world is doing sharpened considerably. How about you? ...


As in Who Gives a Crap! This is what corporate responsibility looks like: https://us.whogivesacrap.org/pages/about-us Recently i received notice that the company had donated another half a million dollars to create toilets for those 2.3 Billion who do not have one. Their products are outstanding and ecologically sound. Would you like ...


Yesterday, a relatively powerful storm interrupted electrical power to 219,000 households in Maine. Today, some were told that it may be three days until power is restored. Globally, 1.2 Billion people have little or no access to power at all. Perhaps we might want to think from time to time ...

Fall colors

There are a million differentiated colors on display in New England in the US at this time of year! And this has been a spectacular demonstration of the beauty in our world this year! In my experience it is nothing compared to the miracle of you! ...


Right this second you are participating in an absolute miracle. The question is, do you experience it? If you are able to see, a collection of between 10 and 50 trillion cells are organized so well that you can see, read and understand these words. Can you "see" (pun intended) ...


It doesn’t sound like much. Or does it. To me, each breath means I am still alive and that life itself is miraculous. What could be more practical or more magical than the experience that this second, this breath is a miracle? ...


Evil is a concept begun to allow us to act as if it were a force beyond our influence. Nothing could be further from the truth. The moment I realize every action I take is important, contributes either positively or negatively to the world, evil has no power. Whose responsibility ...

Ownership Does Not Equal Guilt

In the situations I have witnessed, there is no divine intervention. All we have is each other. We create our own problems, and it is up to us to solve them. Deliberately to remove oneself from this dialogue is a way of turning one’s back and confirms the sad proposition ...