Tag Archives: opportunity

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Full of Story

Perhaps the reason we struggle so much with the idea that we live in a “miracle” is due to the fact that seeing and experiencing it would bring euphoria.

Is it possible we are so attached to our distractions because acknowledging the truth would bring an end to the significance of our personal story?

Have or Make?

David Hartman, the original host of Good Morning America,
taught me about the idea of creating the experience of a day.
He used to sign off his program by saying,
“Make yourself a good or great day!”
Over the years I have applied the teaching to a few other environments.

What kind of a day are you going to create for yourself?
What did you create in school today? (As opposed to what happened.)
What did you imagine today?
What will your contribution be today?
To whom will you give the gift of your attention today?

Make yourself a LOVELY DAY!

Damage Ending

People who are fearful and insecure need to be loved without condition in order to stop damaging themselves and others.

Who do you believe is responsible for communicating that loving-kindness?